How to Optimize Font File Size: Boost Your WordPress Website Speed (2025)

How to Optimize Font File Size: Boost Your WordPress Website Speed

Designers have big dreams. We want websites that look amazing and make people stop and say, “Wow!”

But… here’s the catch—we also need those websites to load really fast. Especially when we use custom web fonts, that dream can turn into a problem because of big file sizes and slow loading times.

So, how do we balance beauty with speed?

The Common Struggle

We’ve all been there. We spend hours finding the perfect font—the one that looks just right, whether it’s elegant or fun. Finally, we found it. We download it, put it into our design, and then… ouch.

The page takes forever to load, and our excitement fades.

Designers and web developers often have to make a tough choice: give up the nice design for faster loading, or compromise on speed to keep the aesthetic.

It’s frustrating. No one wants to compromise.

The Solution: Font Optimization

But here’s the good news: there’s a solution. Font optimization can save the day.

By making font files smaller, we can keep our custom fonts without slowing down the website. This means our websites can look unique and still load quickly—a true win-win!

What is a Custom Web Font?

So, what exactly is a custom web font?

Simply put, a custom web font is any font that isn’t one of the usual system fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana. These fonts give your website a special look—a way to make your brand stand out—but they usually have bigger file sizes.

If you want to learn more about why custom web fonts are special and how they can make your brand better, check out our detailed guide.

What’s Next: Font Subsetting

And there’s more! In the next part, we’ll talk about a smart technique that can make your custom web fonts even smaller—Font Subsetting.

Are you ready to make your website both fast and awesome?

Let’s dive in!

Introduction to Font Subsetting

Have you ever wondered if you could make your custom web fonts even smaller?

Imagine how much faster your website could be if you didn’t have to load unnecessary parts of those fonts. Font subsetting can help with that!

It’s a simple yet powerful technique that removes unnecessary parts, keeping only the essential characters. By including just the characters that are needed, you can make your font files much smaller.

Think about it: if your website only uses a few different letters or symbols from a font, why load the entire font file?

Understanding Font Subsetting

Here’s the problem: Most fonts have hundreds or even thousands of characters. They include different languages, symbols, and special styles.

But your website probably only uses a tiny portion of those characters.

So why load everything if you don’t need it? That’s where font subsetting comes in.

It makes a custom font file that only has the characters you use—nothing more, nothing less.

Think of it like packing for a weekend trip: it’s easier when you only take the essentials. Font subsetting is like packing light for your website—it helps you bring only what you need instead of carrying around a huge suitcase full of unnecessary items.

How Font Subsetting Works

So, how does it work?

First, take a close look at the characters used on each page of your website. Then, decide which ones are actually necessary.

After that, manually add only the characters you need—it’s easier than removing the extras and more efficient, too, since the inclusion is usually quite small.

The modification process is easy, since built-in tools like Font Squirrel’s Webfont Generator make customization simple, whether you need language-specific options, character set selection, or other specific needs.

Features like language-specific options and character previews make the process even easier. The result? A smaller, lighter font file that’s just right for you, leading to faster load times and a better experience for your visitors.

Benefits of Font Subsetting

Font subsetting offers several key advantages that significantly enhance your website’s performance and user experience. By including only the essential characters, you can achieve faster load times, reduced bandwidth usage, and a smoother experience for your visitors.

1 – Reduced File Size

Subsetted fonts can be 30-70% smaller than the original files. That means faster downloads and better website performance.

Less data means less waiting, which makes your visitors happier.

2 – Enhanced User Experience

Font subsetting isn’t just about making files smaller—it’s about improving the entire user experience.

Smaller fonts reduce layout shifts and help avoid the annoying “Flash of Unstyled Text” (FOUT). Plus, it helps improve Core Web Vitals scores, which means better search engine rankings!

3 – Bandwidth Savings

If your visitors have slow internet connections or limited data plans, font subsetting can make a huge difference.

Less data means quicker loading times and lower data usage. It’s not just good for your users—it’s good for the environment, too, by saving bandwidth.

What’s Next: Step-by-Step Guide to Font Subsetting

Are you ready to make your fonts even better? In the next section, I’ll show you exactly how to do it, with easy steps and helpful tools.

How to Create a Web Font Subset

Creating a subsetted web font might sound complicated, but it’s easier than you think.

A subsetted font includes only the characters you actually need, which makes the font smaller and more efficient. By following a few simple steps, you can significantly improve your website’s performance—ensuring faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.

Step 1: Convert Your Font to OTF Format

You’ve got your favorite font—maybe in WOFF2 format—and now it’s time to make it the best version for your website! We’ll use Font Squirrel’s Webfont Generator, which is easy to use and very powerful.

To start, Font Squirrel’s Webfont Generator works best with OTF files. If your font is in WOFF2 or TTF format, we need to convert it to OTF. This is just a temporary step to make sure we can use the tool effectively.

If your font is from Google Fonts, it’s probably in TTF format. To convert it, go to the Everything Fonts website. Click on the Font Conversion drop-down in the top menu and choose TTF to OTF.

TTF to OTF Converter Menu

On the converter page, click the Pick Font File button, find your TTF file, and click Open to upload it. Make sure to set The EULAs of the font allow this conversion to Yes, then click Convert.

TTF to OTF Converter

In just a few seconds, your TTF file will be converted to OTF and downloaded to your computer. Simple, right?

Step 2: Upload to Font Squirrel

Now that you have your OTF file, let’s move on to Font Squirrel. Go to the Font Squirrel Webfont Generator page. Click the Upload Fonts button and upload your OTF file.

Once uploaded, you’ll see a page with a lot of settings.

Font Squirrel Webfont Generator

Make sure to select the EXPERT radio button for full control.

This lets you access advanced settings for your font, such as fine-tuning formats, customizing glyph sets, and optimizing subsetting options. Under Font Formats, only check WOFF2—we’re focusing on making the font as small as possible.

Step 3: Customize Font Settings

Scroll down to the Subsetting section and select Custom Subsetting. This lets you keep only what you need.

Font Squirrel Webfont Generator Subsetting

Want your website in English only? Select “English” in the “Language” section. Need other languages? Select them. Want only lowercase letters or a few specific symbols? You can do that too.

The best part? Font Squirrel gives you a live “Subset Preview” that updates as you make changes. It’s a great way to see what’s included and what’s not.

Take your time to make sure you keep only what’s essential. For example, you can exclude special symbols, punctuation in other languages, or uncommon characters. Remember, the more glyphs you include, the bigger your font file will be.

Step 4: Finalize and Download Your Font Kit

Once you’re happy with your settings, check the box that says your fonts are eligible for web embedding, and click the Download Your Kit button.

Font Squirrel will create your customized font, and you’ll get a zip file with everything you need—demo HTML, CSS, and your optimized WOFF2 file.

The Advantages of WOFF2

Compared to other web font formats, particularly its predecessor WOFF, WOFF2 offers several advantages that make it an excellent choice for web font implementation.

Superior Compression


WOFF2 uses the Brotli compression algorithm, which results in 30-50% smaller file sizes compared to WOFF. These smaller file sizes contribute to faster page loading times and overall improved web performance.

A Real Example

To give you an idea, the TTF file I used was originally 88.8 KB, but after subsetting and converting to WOFF2, it ended up at just 28.1 KB—a 68% reduction! Imagine how much faster your website will load. Faster fonts mean faster pages, and faster pages mean happier users.

  • TTF

  • WOFF2 (Basic)

  • WOFF2 (Custom)

What’s Next?

With this optimized font kit, you’re ready to add it to your WordPress website. Now you have a customized, lightweight font that gives your site the perfect mix of beauty and speed.

Jafar Muhammed

Jafar Muhammed has 10+ years of experience in WordPress, web hosting, domain names, DNS, CDN, server administration, etc. He is an open web advocate. He is the CEO of Rovity, the fastest-growing premium shared hosting startup in India.